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San Andres / Colombia
On this trip, we were able to see God move in miraculous ways throughout the church. We observed the fulfillment of the mission we have for our ministry: we came to help equip the churches and then go out to see people activated. We noticed the great need for the church to be activated and to walk in the Great Commission. Many callings were activated during our time in San Andrés, and we were able to record 39 healings and 34 decisions for salvation. The harvest is ready!
We were amazed by the culture of honor that this place has, and it was a great blessing for us to be on this island. We are excited to return many times in the future as we partner with upcoming projects.
São Paulo / Rio de Janeiro
In June 2024, we returned to Brazil and had the opportunity to visit the city of Piracicaba, where we held our evangelistic campaign in November 2023. We observed that pastors are beginning to work more in unity and that many people are being activated in their callings.
Later, we visited two new cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro: Nova Iguaçu and Rio das Ostras. In Nova Iguaçu, we witnessed the vision of the movement coming to life. We partnered with the F5 church, where several staff members were equipped and empowered to fulfill the Great Commission. We evangelized in an area known as the favelas, where many individuals and families received the message of Christ.
Some of these individuals attended the church in the evening, where they received prayer, deliverance, and healing.
In Rio das Ostras, we connected with a wonderful church, where we shared with the leaders and pastors, providing them with empowerment. We also delivered a word of encouragement and ministry to the congregation.
Panama City
This was an incredible time when the Love and Fire ministry was in Panama, holding ministrations, meetings of Pastors and leaders and many relationship connections!
Jesus was glorified and as a reward, we saw miracles, signs and wonders!