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Remembering testimonies keep us strong in our confidence and faith in God.
"The testimony of Jesus is the
Spirit of prophecy"
Revelation 19:10
Ana Beatriz / F5 Church / Brazil 2024
I was experiencing spiritual and internal conflicts and needed physical and spiritual healing. For a long time, I had been struggling with bulimia. During the conference, we were in a time of prayer for physical healing, and I immediately felt the release from these internal conflicts when they prayed for me. I felt as if Jesus had set me free from bulimia because I experienced joy and peace, and my insecurity vanished.
Gabriela / F5 Church / Brazil 2024
I had anxiety and struggled with thoughts of death and loneliness. I had distanced myself from Jesus and the church. At the evangelism event, a team from Love and Fire and Church F5 came to my house, and I received a word of knowledge. They prayed for me, and I attended the conference where I had an encounter with Jesus. I am now committed to attending church and have been discipled since then. Jesus came to meet me, and now I have a relationship with Him.
Maria / Ecuador 2023
María works at the market in Guayaquil, Ecuador. During an evangelism activity in this area, she shared details about her life with us and mentioned that she needed to forgive those who had hurt her.
That day, while we were doing treasure hunts guided by the Holy Spirit, we saw her from a distance and knew we should pray for her. The Holy Spirit manifests in many ways, even in natural ways.
As we prayed for her, her face changed from sadness to joy. After speaking with her, we prayed for peace, forgiveness, and joy in her life.
The team went out to evangelize, and one of our members saw a group of young men who were eating. It was the perfect moment to grab their attention with a greeting and a thought-provoking question: "If the Lord took you to His presence today, where do you think you would go?" This group of young people shared their answers, and amidst jokes and camaraderie, the Lord used this moment for them to receive the message of salvation as a decision rather than just an emotional response.
During our time of evangelism, we saw a woman sitting in the park who was watching us as we evangelized. She had a cane, which provided us with a great opportunity to share the gospel and pray for her healing. In the end, she was completely healed and accepted Christ into her heart.
While we were evangelizing in a neighborhood of San Andrés, one of our team members had the opportunity to preach the gospel to an entire family. They received the message of salvation and, being aware of their decision, prayed the prayer of salvation.
One of our team members entered a house because the mother requested prayer for her sick son. While praying for the child, our member received a word of knowledge for the mother. This demonstrated that God was seeing her and opened an opportunity to preach the message of Christ. In that moment, she accepted Him into her heart.
Family / Ecuador 2023
We did evangelism in a neighborhood and visited a very small house where eight people lived. The mother had a problem with her eye and was experiencing blurred vision.
We prayed for the children in the house, and they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, they laid hands on their mother, who was healed and was able to see clearly. Praise the Lord!
Arturo / Ecuador 2023
Arturo was attending one of the church services we were ministering at. He was experiencing severe pain in his leg, which prevented him from standing or walking for extended periods due to the constant discomfort. During the ministry time, when the team prayed for the sick, Jesus healed him completely. Arturo was rejoicing and praising God for the healing that the Lord had brought into his life.
Claudia / Ecuador 2023
Claudia was experiencing pain in her left arm and had blocked arteries. During the ministry time at the church, we gave a word of knowledge describing these symptoms. Immediately, she came forward with faith, believing in the Lord for her healing. After the prayer, the pain completely disappeared, and she no longer felt any tingling in her arm.
Jesus healed me of acute lumbar deviation. I was sitting in the service and my spine was bothering me again and again. I prayed for God to show His glory and began to declare, "I claim my miracle." They prayed for me, and I received healing; I no longer have pain in my spine—God placed it in its proper position. I am healed!
Six months ago, I started experiencing pain in my spine due to inflammation. During this night of miracles, the Lord healed me.
A woman who had blurred vision came forward to receive healing. While we were praying, we conducted a test, and indeed, she was healed; her sight was restored.
This man attended all of our workshops. During the night of worship, as a closing event for our week, God told him that He would heal him. As we prophesied over him, he removed his eye patch, and after receiving prayer, his vision was restored; he could see colors and objects clearly.
This man had been suffering from a lumbar hernia for years, which prevented him from bending down and caused him severe pain. The team prayed for his healing, and he was completely healed; he could bend down without experiencing any pain.